Our Origin Story

The Queen of the Ballerinas! Candice


Welcome to our little jewelry shop! I'm Candice and I brought life to The Patinaed Pineapple following the birth of our amazing daughter lovingly nicknamed Pineapple. The brand is an homage to her and the vintage, antique, and retro jewelry I adore. Growing up in the 80's and 90's, I personally found a deep connection to jewelry from a very young. Studying jewelry, gemstones, and design fascinated me and gave me a creative outlet that I craved. I always captured important moments with specific pieces and they didn't have to be particularly fancy because the memories they embodied were so meaningful. Modern jewelry can be stunning and I'll sell some from time to time, but the artistry and quality found in the pieces I so adored growing up is why I focus on saving those pieces. 

I have quite a soft spot for Ballerina Rings and was dubbed The Queen of the Ballerinas by my followers on Instagram. You'll always find a specific section of The Patinaed Pineapple devoted to those magnificent pieces. 

Thank you for reading and I hope I can help you on your journey to find the piece that brings you the same feelings that so many have for me.